What can i do?

Building a sustainable and resilient community takes all of us. Let’s do this together.

While research shows that some actions reduce carbon emissions more than others, we provide a range of actions you can take that can have multiple benefits for our community. Check them out below.

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At Home

Your sustainable actions at home can have a positive impact on you and the Chapel Hill community. For tips to save natural resources and reduce waste, check out this list of 10 easy things you can try at home.

When you’re ready for some new challenges that require a little more time and investment, we’ve also put together a list of more sustainable actions at home.

Are there items on these lists that you’re already doing?

Are there any you’d like to try?

At Work

The sustainable actions you take at work can have positive results for you, your employer, and the community at large. If you’d like to learn about sustainable behaviors that are good for the planet and the budget, take a look at this list of 10 easy things you can try in your work day.

If you are interested to learn about other ways that you can improve the sustainability of your work day, check out this list of more sustainable actions at work.

Do any of the items on these lists look familiar?

Are there any actions you’d like to build into your work day or ask your employer about?

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other places

We’ve tried to organize tips around places where people spend a lot of time. In addition to home and work, we’ve also thought of some tips for other places, too.


On a Trip

On the Go


These lists are only a start, and with your help we can improve them. If you have ideas, experiences or resources to share, please send them to us using the contact link at the top of the page. Let’s work together to share the things that will make a difference in Chapel Hill!