How can I get involved?

Talk to Businesses you frequent

If you have a favorite restaurant or coffee shop that still gives out single-use, disposable, non-compostable cups and utensils, ask if they are willing to make a change. Many businesses have switched to greener alternatives just because their customers have asked them to. Be sure to express that you are interested in BPI certified compostables, as these have been independently tested and verified. Also, if they are still handing out paper receipts, ask if they’d be willing to go digital.

Attend a Community Event or join a community group

The Town hosts stream cleanup days in the fall and spring of each year. Volunteers remove litter from the watersheds, including roadways near storm drains that lead to streams. You can find more information on the Stormwater Management page.

Additionally, the annual Arbor Day celebration has been expanded to Arbor Week. In Chapel Hill, Arbor Week is the week leading up to the first Friday after November 15. If you want to help plan the Arbor Week celebrations, join the Community Tree Committee.

Joining or donating to Friends of Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation is a great way to get involved if you are passionate about Chapel Hill’s publicly accessible outdoor spaces.

At the annual Advisory Board Breakfast, all board members are invited to hear project updates and celebrate their achievements.

At the annual Advisory Board Breakfast, all board members are invited to hear project updates and celebrate their achievements.

Take Action at Home

If you want to start increasing your sustainability at home, take a look at our easy steps toward sustainability and some more in-depth changes like composting.